December 2019 Client of the Month Jenna Lurie | Rushcutters Health
Jenna Lurie

Client of the month

Jenna Lurie

We consider ourselves very lucky to be able to work with someone so inspiring and  humble as RH member Jenna.
Jenna is special and has been nominated by the team because of her rock solid habits and mindset. She embraces the mindset of ‘the obstacle is the way’. Whether the goal be f​itness, weight loss, general health and wellbeing, strength or injury rehab Jenna applies herself to the process and is unashamed if she is not instantly a master at a new skill. Long term training consistency is a challenge but Jenna’s mindset to see every obstacle as a new experience has keep her progressing at a high level of all areas of health and fitness.
Jenna’s attacks the uncomfortable tasks that most avoid with training. Mobility, accessory work, cardio, core strength- you set it and she will do it all for long term delayed gratification. We love that she draws joy from following the process, the by product being outstanding health and fitness.
Jenna is lean, strong and fit. She is inspiring and humble all because of the habits above.
Jenna pops in to say hello when she walks past and has even brought her brother Brett along (Legend) who also trains with Sean. She is one of the nicest people you will meet and an absolute pleasure to train. What she adds to the community feel of Rushcutters is highly valuable and we are blessed to have her in our team.