Optimise Your Morning and Own 2025

As people start their year with motivation high and new goals in sight now is a good time to visit the importance of getting your day off to the best possible start and making your morning the launching pad for a great day! As they say, you are what you consistently do. Starting your morning in a productive and positive way is a sure fire way to make sure the rest of your day is a success. We understand that not everyone loves morning but even for the night owls and anyone else who doesn’t jump out of bed when the sun comes up, you can learn to love your mornings by following a few simple tips and tricks. Small changes to your routines can boost your mood and energy and little tweaks can help you get the shut-eye you need, too. When you’re well-rested, it’s not a struggle to get up. Following are some tips to help you become a morning person which will have the many positive flow on effects for the rest of your day.
Put Your Alarm Out of Reach
Let’s face it: Unless you have another hour or 2 to sleep, hitting the snooze button won’t help you feel less tired. But there’s another reason to get up when you first hear that annoying beep. When you get up and go to bed at the same time every day, you’ll keep your body’s internal clock in sync. That makes you more alert in the morning, and sleepy when it’s time to call it a night. On week nights especially, aim to go to bed and get up at the same time everyday.
Let in the Light
As soon as you wake, open the curtains or blinds. Or step outside. Natural light gets your brain going and keeps your body clock on track. If it’s gloomy out, turn on the lights. A light-up alarm clock can help. And it may be less jarring than a noisy alarm. If you struggle with a.m. brain fog or have seasonal affective disorder or depression, try a light box (or sunlamp). It can lift your mood and help you feel more awake.
Have a Cup of Coffee
Just make sure your first cup is the caffeinated kind. Caffeine pumps up brain chemicals like dopamine. They boost your mood, spike your energy levels, and help you focus. (Regular coffee drinkers are also less likely to get the blues than those who rarely or never sip the strong stuff.) Not a fan? Opt for a cup of black or green tea. They have caffeine plus other healthy compounds.
Make Morning Exercise a Priority
Exercise will get your blood pumping and rev up your nervous system. You’ll feel more alert in the moment and hours later, too. If you work out first thing, you’ll fall asleep more easily than if you do it later. At least try for several hours before bedtime. Any later and you may find it hard to nod off. Or do yoga, it’s proven to ease insomnia.
Power Down Before Bedtime
Bright lights at night can reduce your melatonin levels (that’s a hormone that helps you feel sleepy). And it isn’t just overhead bulbs that can have you counting sheep. The glow of cell phones, computers, and TVs also slows melatonin production. The fix: Dim the lights in your home, and turn off all screens and tech tools at least an hour before you plan to hit the hay.
Skip the Nightcap
Yes, alcohol makes you feel sleepy. But it makes it harder to stay asleep and can make you feel groggy in the morning, too. If you do need to have a drink, stick to one drink and have it with dinner, or at least 2 to 3 hours before bedtime.
Try Melatonin
This hormone helps your system get ready for sleep. It plays a role in keeping your body clock in check, too. If you have trouble dozing off or you’re off-schedule because of travel or a new routine, a melatonin supplement may help. Stick to a small dose (0.3-1 milligrams) taken an hour before bed. And always talk to your doctor before taking any new medication.
Find a Good Wind-Down Routine
A relaxing evening helps you fall asleep. Avoid stressors like email and tough talks with family members at least an hour before bed. To get in the mood for slumber, you can meditate, stretch, take a warm shower or bath, or read a book in a low-lit room. If you get at least 7 hours a night but you’re still worn out, see the doctor. A health problem or a sleep disorder like sleep apnea may be to blame.