Low Carb Protein Pancakes Recipe with Blueberries

This will make one big pancake or two small ones.
Boost your breakfast with this easy and healthy low-carb protein pancake recipe, packed with blueberries for added flavor and nutrients. These pancakes are quick and perfect for a nutritious start to your day!
• 1 scoop of low carb protein powder
• 2 egg whites & 1 whole egg
• Teaspoon of almond milk
• 1 tablespoon almond meal or oats
• Handful of frozen blueberries
• Sugar free maple syrup to serve
Method – Step by step
1. Whisk eggs, protein powder, almond meal/oats, almond milk and add the blueberries in . Add eggs into shaker along with almond meal.
2. Once well mixed together, add 1 tablespoon of butter to heated pan and pour protein mixture into pan.
3. When small bubbles start to form, lift up pancake to see golden tone to cooking side then flip.
4. Lightly cook other side and then serve — don’t cook it for too long, otherwise it will get a rubbery consistency.
5. Enjoy and serve with sugar free maple syrup and a sprinkle of cinnamon.