Faces of Rushcutters Bay – Marc Hochstadt

How long have you lived and worked in the Sydney?
I’ve lived across different parts of Sydney my whole life and recently returned to the eastern suburbs in Paddington after 14 years in Avalon on the Northern Beaches.
What type of business do you run?
I run an architectural kitchen and interior design studio and import Leicht kitchens from Germany which is Germany’s number one premium kitchen brand.
What do you like most about your job?
I really like the quality and philosophy of Leicht kitchens and designing individual spaces for my very individual clients. Its a very satisfying job.
Where do you find inspiration?
I find inspiration from my clients, European design trends and my dog Ziggy.
How do I like to exercise?
I’ve recently re-embraced my weight training 3-4 times a week including my morning with Oisin, which is always light entertainment along with heavy lifting! I also have a strong Yoga practice – which is another story.
What are some of your favourite restaurants,/cafes, hangouts?
My favourite place for a meal at the moment is Little Fu in Lachlan street Rushcutters Bay, which is walking distance from Rushcutters Health, and Primary for coffee in Ward street, Potts Point.
Contact details
Marc Hochstadt
M: 0402 870 842
W: leicht.com.au