July 2020 Client of the Month Tessa Kotowicz | Rushcutters Health
Tessa Kotowicz

Client of the month

Tessa Kotowicz

Tessa has achieved so much in the last 18 months training with us.  Her main improvements have been through her leg strength and cardiovascular fitness. Her dedication to her training plan and nutrition is admirable and it has been no surprise that she has done so well by doing all the little things right. Congratulations Tessa on being a well deserved Member of the month.

From Tessa:

I started at Rushcutters Health over a year ago to help me get through hsc while remaining active and healthy. Before I started I had no idea what I was doing and had such a minimal understanding about health and fitness. Training at rushcutters has been one of the best things I’ve ever done. I go to the gym now because I enjoy it, love feeling strong, and knowing I’ve challenged myself.

Training now is such a relief from the stress of uni and work. Even over quarantine I become so much more creative and motivated with my fitness, while still training with Mark to a point where I’m genuinely happy and excited to train and push myself. The guys and everyone make it feel like such a community where you can really enjoy exercise and be excited by it which I really love!!