April 2019 Client of the Month Sam Wu | Rushcutters Health
Sam Wu

Client of the month

Sam Wu

When considering our client of the month nominations we look for members who have displayed a significant change in their health and fitness. The scale of Sam’s change over the last 6 months is impressive and his ongoing goals are truly inspirational.

In September last year when Sam started with us his health & fitness was not going that well. He was completely inactive and desk bound, suffered from lethargy and arthritis, ate
out every meal everyday and was intimidated by gyms. His posture and movement were very poor, he didn’t need to lose much weight (although composition needed work)

but its fair to say he wasn’t healthy. In Sam’s first session he only lasted through a couple of sets of upper body weights before suffering from nausea and having to finish up and go home early.

6 months later Sam is a different human. He has achieved full function and better posture and can now deadlift and squat to a good level. He busts out strong conditioning sessions, comes to RH group training and trains most days. He now prepares most of his meals and is living with much less physical pain. Watching how far Sam has come in such a short amount of time is truly amazing. Further to this Sam is now training to do the Gold Coast marathon with the team! All this will be achieved in under 12 months which is super cool.

We are super proud of Sam and inspired by the positive changes he has made to his life. Thanks for being an inspiration and pleasure to have in the studio mate.