February 2019 Client of the Month Pauline and Alan | Rushcutters Health
Pauline and Alan

Client of the month

Pauline and Alan

We have the privilege of meeting some pretty amazing people here at RCH, but none more so than the power couple that is Pauline and Alan. These two honestly have so much kindness and patience for every person they encounter. It is a real pleasure to have them in the gym and I’m sure a lot of you reading this would agree, having met them.

Both have achieved so much I would love to acknowledge them separately here:

Alan- For someone that initially joined the gym for general fitness, to then go on and complete a 5-day, self-supported hike through Tasmania is no small feat. And I might mention it wasn’t easy. After a few injury scares and a couple of set backs, Alan stayed not only confident but very driven. It was an absolute pleasure to see him love the experience that he worked so hard in preparation for.

Pauline- Pauline came to me initially with the aim of increasing her bone density. After doing some extensive research myself, we set out with a good template of how we were going to achieve that. She must have soon forgotten, as in the midst of this training she announced that herself and Alan were off to Tasmania to complete a 3-day hike together! Again fully self supported. Pauline has now, not only increased her bone density, but is working on becoming her strongest self as she now has a grandson that she plans on staying strong and active with as he grows up.

Thank you both so much for everything you bring to our community here at RCH, and congratulations again on you extraordinary acheivements!