Justin Crocker - Rushcutters Health
Justin Crocker

Client of the month

Justin Crocker

Big congratulations to our January client of the month Justin.

Justin started his journey at RH by completing the 4 in 4 challenge where he initially lost 3kgs.

He has been extremely compliant since then and stuck with a high protein, very lean eating plan. His training consists of a push/pull weights program, 2-3 sessions per week. He has been lowering reps and increasing weight to build strength and lean muscle since hitting his goal weight just 12 weeks into his program. 

Moving forward- we plan to increase calories and lift heavy in 2023 with a focus on the big lifts (bench press, deadlift and back squat) all the while continuing to practice the great nutritional and lifestyle habits that Justin has learned in his short time at Rushcutters Health.