Gavin Bell - Rushcutters Health
Gavin Bell

Client of the month

Gavin Bell

Gavin Bell

Congratulations for being our client of the month Gavin Bell!

Gavin has been training at Rushcutters Health for 2 years! He has been such an amazing client right from the start. Gavin has lost a massive 10 kg since kicking off . He has been training regularly and has never missed a booked session!. 

Training has been really helpful part of  Gavin’s life over last two years. It has been helping him to manage his stress and keeping him active even busiest times of his life. 

Gavin recently completed Gold Coast virtual marathon and did it with amazing time 1.52.36. It’s amazing to see that he improved his previous half marathon by a huge 17 mins and only within 3 months of completing his first half marathon. 

Gavin trains 6 times per wee: Monday morning group class, Tuesday morning run club, Wednesday and Friday morning PT, Thursday morning weights by himself and Saturday morning run club. This training routine has helped him to be best shape of his life. Gavin says:” I think for me the biggest thing I love about RH is how it’s a real community with real friendships which keeps me motivated and engaged in a really active lifestyle. I never thought I’d be a “runner” and now look at me – I’m 44 and the fittest I’ve been in my entire adult life, which I’m really proud of. I just wish I had RH in my life earlier!”

We are so happy that you are part of our Rushcutters Health family and we are so proud over your achievements!

Thanks for being such a legend Gavin 🙂