David Thomson
David came to Rushcutters health pretty fresh
to the gym environment. He had done bits and pieces of exercise before but it had never really stuck. This was mainly due to sustaining injury and not finding an atmosphere that was convenient, enjoyable and challenging.
Since he initially walked through the doors David has changed in a big way. David has gained muscle mass, lost body fat and gotten impressively strong in all major movement patterns. Beyond this David has learned and implemented some great habits around his nutrition. When David started at the gym he couldn’t do a single push-up or chin up and he lacked core strength and stability. David now knocks out sets of 10 pushups with 15kg
on his back, sets of 5 unassisted chin ups and is almost at his goal of a 100kg deadlift
Previously food was an afterthought for David. He would find himself skipping meals and eating out a lot during the week whilst over eating and drinking on the weekend. Nowadays David plans his meals in advance and he has made the decision to stop drinking which he has stuck to for over 6 months.
David often talks about how much better he feels and that he wish he started training and eating well years earlier. The thing that matters is that he is doing it now. Congrats on your result David you earned it.