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Alasdair Cameron

Client of the month

Alasdair Cameron

Alasdair came to Rushcutters Health at the start of 2018 wanting to lose the weight he put on since having 2 young children.

Since joining RH, Alasdair has shown that consistency is king. He has yet to miss a weekly 1on1 session with Chris since starting and to date has lost over 12 kilos! That’s more than his youngest son weighs, which is very cool

Alasdair trains 3-5 times a week and used a mixture of weights and cardio training to drop from 118 kilos at his heaviest to 106 kilos at the end of ‘the 4 week Challenge’.

According to Alasdair – the keys to his success were a structured training regime and making small changes to his diet, like reducing portion sizes and changing to a high protein breakfast.

Great work Alasdair, you’ve done yourself, your family and everyone at RH proud. Keep up the amazing work!

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